Billingham Hadley Pro
Baserad på den populära fotoväskan Hadly Original är Hadley Pro väldigt lik den men med viss förbättringar. Ett rejält bärhandtag, en vattentät blixtlåsförsedd bakficka som är användbar till exempel biljetter, tidskrifter, manualer eller andra flata dokument. Med fördelen att kunna sätta på Billinghams AVEA lösa fickor för att få ytterligare utrymme.
Väskan har en helt uttagbar insats, med lösa väggar som justeras allt efter behov. Den öppnas snabbt med remmar som fästs på mässingsknoppar sittande på väskans lock.
Den helt justerbara axelremmen är fäst på sidan med läderbeslag där man kan fästa AVEA sidfickor.
Vidd 350mm
Djup 120mm
Höjd 250mm
Vidd 320mm
Djup 70mm
Höjd 225mm
Billingham Hadley Pro
Based on the ever popular Hadley Original, the Hadley Pro is a mirror with added features. A carrying handle is integrated with a stiffener into the top flap. The weight of your gear is not carried through canvas holes that could wear out, rather they are attached to a fibreglass stiffner and weight supported through that. A waterproofed zippered back pocket is very useful for tickets, magazines, manuals or any other flat document. The facility to add extra capacity with our AVEA pouches rounds off the bag nicely.
It has a fully removeable insert with dividers that can be adjusted with velcro fastenings to suit equipment. The insert lifts out, much like a bucket. This bag also features adjustable Quick Release Straps into brass buckles, bellowed front pockets with press-stud fastenings and a double darted main flap which covers the mouth of the bag when closed protecting it from rain and weather elements.
The fully adjustable shoulder sling is sewn under a leather side patch, which provides the facility to attach our AVEA side pockets. The AVEA03 is the nicest looking fit as they are slimmer and match the side profile of the Hadley Pro. However, the AVEA05’s will also fit if you need extra room and are less concerned with aesthetics.
External Dimensions:
Width 350mm
Depth 120mm
Height 250mm
Width 13 3/4″
Depth 4 3/4″
Height 9 3/4″
Internal Dimensions:
Width 320mm
Depth 70mm
Height 225mm
Width 12 1/2″
Depth 2 3/4″
Height 8 3/4″